Riviera Nexus

We are venture technology professionals, helping companies design, develop, and distribute excellent digital products from concept through IPO.


Our team’s broad experience encompasses all aspects of product and service creation, including market analysis, user experience design, mobile application development, embedded system implementations, and much more.


Assess, create and iterate to perfect the experience.

  • User research
  • Rapid prototyping
  • User testing
  • UI/UX design
  • Branding and visual ID


Understand, reflect, and innovate to create the solution.

  • Mobile strategies
  • Business logic
  • Full-stack development
  • Multi-platform support
  • Future proof architecture


Propose, listen and analyze to define the opportunity.

  • Market research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Brand development
  • Advertising
  • Business development


Oversee, adapt and communicate to ensure success.

  • Due diligence
  • Business modeling
  • Project Management
  • Talent development
  • IP & patent analysis

Select Successes

We don’t just consult. We integrate ourselves into our partners’ vision, supporting key analysis, insight and innovation. Our solutions have been used by over 100 million people worldwide.



Conceived, designed and developed a best-in-class mobile experience and back-end platform, delivering a compelling suite of productivity solutions to users across the globe.

Declared best recording application by Lifehacker!



Developed core intellectual property and software with the subsequent identification of key market opportunities, resulting in a company-wide, market pivot and subsequent corporate spin-off.

Expanding the usefulness of delivered technology.


Acquired by Global IP Solutions, who were acquired by Google.

Identified a key opportunity and developed innovative, digital signal processing solutions that enabled the best quality conversations over unmanaged and extremely intermittent Internet connections. Coined "Acoustic QoS", the creation and formulation of this patented solution drove a key technical and market pivot, instrumental in the realization of the company’s eventual exit.



Directed, defined and developed the platform architecture, technical vision, hardware design, embedded software, embedded DSP software, hardware drivers and application development.

Managed hardware and software teams and processes from concept to market to their eventual IPO.


We keep the big picture in mind, while focusing on all of the critical detail required to execute on the vision.

“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept."

– Ansel Adams


Riviera Nexus, LLC info@rivieranexus.com (650) 242-5236